Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winter Walk

Last week we had a big snowstorm. Wet, heavy snow.  Saturday was gray but clear and I took a walk around the neighborhood, with my camera for the first time in ages.  I thought this leaf, melting into the snow, looked kind of like a butterfly in flight. Thoughts of spring.
Already the snow was melting from the edges (by tomorrow it will be mostly gone).
What first caught my eye in my neighbor's yard was the reflection in the larger ball. Then I noticed the smaller ball and then the lovely patina on the bird bath.  The longer I stood there, the more I saw.
This is the catalpa tree in our back yard.  The moss didn't show up too well in the photo. We really love this tree.
Nothing springlike about this view of the park at the end of our street.
This is what I did most of the weekend.  Sorted through piles of books to select some to disperse.  We have way too many piles around the house and I want to make room.  I've enjoyed them and now it's someone else's turn.  If you're looking for books on Hardanger, filet lace, doll clothes making, old and new clothing (including heirloom sewing), please send me a note.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely be interested in your book regarding filet lace. My name is Terry Wynn, P O Box 833, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0833. Please let me know what you would like for it and postage. Thanks very much.

