Thursday, March 7, 2013

Winter Wonderland

It's been cold and snowy in Chicago (we got about 9" Tuesday). I took advantage to stay in and play a bit. I'm trying to finish up things that have been hanging around (or get rid of them). A couple of years ago friends and I organized the programs for Homewood Embroidery Guild and we had a theme of fun and games. Our last project was Artist Trade Cards (ATCs) using playing-card themed fabric. Ummm, I finally finished mine.
In my defense, I had made one as a sample before the class.

That got me into a playing mode. I'd had some fabric prints of collaged children hanging about. At some point I had fused them to background fabric (some of which I had painted). I also had some post card "blanks"--post cards with an attached clear sticky-back front. They were made to attach your photograph to send, but I decided if I was careful, and flat, I could use my children to make cards. It was fun and I used up the few I had. I remember I found them in a closeout many (many) years ago. I'm pleased I finally used them.

This one is still in progress here.
And I spent some early-morning time working on my Three Happiness Japanese Embroidery design. I've now finished all of the bamboo leaves, plum blossoms and pine needles. Today, at our monthly Japanese embroidery meeting, I stitched the plum branches. I now need to stitch the vein in the bamboo leaves (you can just barely see the gold thread where I started before realizing I'll have to find some couching thread) and the bamboo itself. I'm really excited.


  1. Oh what fun !!! time to play ; )

    I enjoyed the exhibits at Brauer Museum of Art - they will be up until 3/17. I think the woodblock prints were lovely - all the animals were fun to see!!!

    enjoy the evening

  2. These are all lovely projects. I love the children and Japanese embroidery is always awesome.

  3. You've been working on some fascinating projects recently and that Japanese embroidery is wonderful. I'd love to see loads more photos! :o)
