Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chain Maille

Last Saturday I took a Homewood Guild workshop to make a "Shaggy Loops Bracelet" and matching earrings. The design is by Deanna Kittrell and the class was taught by guild member Karen H. and her friend (whose name I cannot remember today). It was a great class, held in Karen's lovely home.
I was pretty burnt out from a long week, but one nice thing about a class with long-time friends. I felt free to stop working when I became too tired, and I sat and looked at the many examples the teachers had set out and browse through the books they set out for us. 
Some people finished their bracelets and earrings in class. I quickly finished mine up Sunday morning (after hitting the hay early on Saturday and sleeping 12 hours! I really was tired.) 

The bracelet uses silver jump rings, triangle beads and rubber o rings.

We made a wonderful pot luck salad with greens and every conceivable topping. Of course there were yummy desserts, too. I've been trying not to do too many classes--this one sold me because of the "you'll have it finished before you leave" promise. I forgot how much I really enjoy these gatherings.
This lovely lady is visiting me for a redo. She's a pincushion half doll, probably from the 1920s, that a friend sent me to renew.  Over the next few weeks I plan to clean her up, take her apart, remake her with a pretty new skirt. Interestingly, her stuffing is wood chips! I'm looking for the perfect color silk for her skirt. I can see it in my mind... now I have to find it.   I just think she's sweet. 


  1. Would you like some rice bran for stuffing? I think that would work well.

  2. Your earrings and bracelet are very pretty. I'll hope to see them in person soon!

  3. I like to use sand in a muslin lining for stuffing a pin cushion. It makes it nice and weighty. Love the jewelry you made. I miss workshops with friends also.
