Sunday, May 5, 2013


My head, not yarn, sadly. I've been battling vertigo again. It won, for the most part. I just have to ride along until it settles. Once it began to calm, I could read and, finally, sew. 
I made some progress on the crewel piece.  I may try to scan it--these colors are much too light (faded). Even without flash, the colors aren't right in the photos.
I also finished step one of the London Quilt. It's sideways here, I forgot to turn the original. I've added the side pieces and, since taking this picture, removed all of the cardboards.  The next step is to pinbaste it to the backing (which I have) and batting (which I have yet to get). And plan the quilting/embroidery design.
I made a pilgramage to Fishman's Fabrics recently. I got silk (the perfect eau de Nil color!) and cotton (the perfect pastel green)--neither of which would photograph at all.  The silk is for the half-doll--more on her in my next post.  The cotton for a ring-bearer pillow I plan to make for a friend.  The fabrics above and below are from a $5 grab-bag they had. They're upholstery samples.  I plan to use the reds above with the red pieced design from Stitch (shown here).
These are generously sized squares--nearly 12". I do not need anything new in my stash but I couldn't resist. (Plus, the red pieces I was looking for were in the same bag!)

My other "stash" purchase was the lovely piece of linen twill--nearly a yard and 60" wide. Most linen twill for crewel is plain twill--this has multiple bands of twills (kind of like some twill tapes).  I think I'm set for life--and it was less than half price!


  1. Nice find at Fishmans. Love your hexies. And the crewel embroidery is lovely as always. Sorry about the vertigo...that is so unsettling. I envy your trip to Baileys Homestead...will have to do that some day with my DH.

  2. Sorry about the vertigo, that doesn't sound fun, but I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better :) It's lovely to see your London Quilt again, it seems like only yesterday you started it, LOL! Great find with the fabrics, upholstery samples are nice and strong and make good tote bags and durable cushions ;)

  3. I'm so sorry that the vertigo is continuing to plague you. It sounds as if it got better eventually but you have been enduring a lot of it recently.

    On a lighter note, I'm glad you got the eau de nil silk, and thrilled that you found other things you enjoyed.

  4. I hope you're feeling better now and can crack on with your projects, which are looking fantastic! I'm looking forward to seeing more of the London quilt in particular.
