Thursday, August 29, 2013

Red Red

The "Dunes" Lavish shawl is nearly done. In fact, it would be done except I've decided to add a bit more to it.
I was fearful about running out of yarn before I got to the ending row and cast off. I didn't, but it got me contemplating the shawl and thinking. In the end, I decided not to cast off. Instead, I contacted Mia Bella Yarn & Accessories in Highland Park, IL and talked to the designer of the project. I sent her a photo of the project thus far and a request for more yarn in the final blue color (the ball in the photo). She replied that she liked the order I used for the colors (Yay!) and that she would dye a skein I could use to extend the piece. Isn't that awesome?  I don't want to go too much further, a wider shawl won't be a problem for me, I'm wide myself, but I don't want it to get too long. Maybe one more repeat of the lace pattern. It's on hold for the next couple of weeks until my new yarn arrives. I can't wait!
So, in the meantime, I've cast on with the Wool & Company's Fagot-stitch scarf.  After taking this photo, I switched from circulars to straight needles and it's going much better--the yarn over stitches didn't want to slide over the joints in the circular needles. No problems with the straight. This is going to be a really lush feeling scarf I think.

1 comment:

  1. That's excellent news about the wool for your shawl, hope your new skein arrives soon :) The colours are so lovely, especially that blue!
