Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Holiday Weekend

Like most people I know, Labor Day Weekend signals the end of summer. Signs of fall are apparent, it's getting light later and dark earlier, leaves are beginning to turn, the air feels different. But I expect we've more hot weather in store.
I decided this weekend that I needed to be done with the reversible cable scarf. It's been my "go to the doctor" project for a long while now-over a year. So I sat and knit until I'd used up the yarn, bound off, and declared it done. It was fun and I'm glad I learned the technique. But done feels good.
So, I went outside to take photos of it Monday afternoon (they're below) and took a wander around the yard.  The passion flowers are prolific this year.  And long lasting--you can see above one has already fruited and another is blooming below it. Much of the rest of the yard is done blooming. The white star-like flowers are everywhere. I like them after they've seeded--each is a little black seed in a tan husk. I keep thinking they would make a really interesting embroidery with beads.
The passion vine went all the way up to the roof!  Not quite Jack and the Beanstalk thick but surprisingly strong. I love the leaves.
And here's the pink reversible cable scarf. 

1 comment:

  1. Passionflowers are so interesting looking! Your scarf looks lovely, and a really nice everyday length :) I've got some projects that I should just declare "done" too, LOL!
