Friday, September 6, 2013

More Red

We spent some time last holiday weekend sitting at Wolf Lake, enjoying the breezes that were coming in from Lake Michigan. It cleared my headache up nicely. I brought my knitting.  I'm enjoying both this "each row the same" pattern and very red yarn (in the daylight it's clear that it's gone from an orangy red to a purply-red already). I've added a couple more inches since I took this photo.  It shows off some of the sparkles in the yarn.  

I'm still working on guild projects I can't show, yet. A couple are done, more to go...  One "reveal" is next week; the other not until October.

I'm on vacation next week so I'm not sure any posting will happen. We haven't planned it yet.


  1. So pretty! Sequins in the yarn completely amaze me! I've seen a few like that but thought they'd be hard to work with? Beautiful start, hope you have a wonderful vacation :)

  2. I love that bright red. Here, as you probably know, we call it pillar box red.
