Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Some Progress

I've begun a new project that was lurking in that ten-year-old or so bag I've been working from.
This one is a Hippie Angle (officially Flower Child Angel). I completed another angel, way back when, a stitching angel. I recall it being a bit fiddly (open canvas so each item needs to be completed with no carried threads). I think that's what relegated this to the pile.  I do like the design, though, and had materials collected. In true hippie fashion, the perle cotton I used for the outline and face is dyed by me with onion skins.  It goes well with the eggshell canvas. I used cross stitch rather than tent for the outlines. I think the more finished edge makes finishing it into an ornament easier.
She reminds me of me with her braids (my hair used to be that dark!) and beads. I wore either patchouli or strawberry oil for perfume most days.  And mostly bluejeans (embroidered, of course).
This is a new project come my way. NeedleArtisans of Northwest Indiana's 2014 challenge project. In addition to the materials provided, I must also use the two items pulled from the hat (for me, thanks! I missed the meeting.)  Very springy colors, just what's needed now!
These are a finish but I can't really claim it.  My friend Renee passed on in January and I've been helping her husband with her needlework estate.  We found these socks nearly complete. One was done, the other done past the heel to the body of the foot. I suspect the dropped stitch (neatly captured in a pin) was the reason they ended up in the ufo pile.  I picked it up and finished knitting the second sock. I believe they're for her sister.  I haven't knit socks in a long time and it was fun.


  1. Your angel is adorable. And I love that you finished those socks from Renee! You are surely getting things out of that ten year bag! Hugs.

  2. I love the socks - handknitted socks are a big thing with me in the winter to wear around the house. I really love the new header for the blog.
