Friday, March 14, 2014

Yet another finish!

Late last week, I finished another SJ Designs project. It wasn't officially a UFO, since I hadn't begun stitching it. This is a variation of Sweet Hearts. The colored noppee silk used in the original (below) was no longer available. I had some white which I used for the border--I love the texture and sheen. For the hearts I used SJ Designs Confetti fiber (Golden Ice and, I think, #118).  It was great to work with and I love the way it looks. I stitched most of it while watching the moving "The Grand Marigold Hotel."  I think the two are now linked for me.
I even have a frame for it. I may add a bit of gold leaf to the silver frame, to help connect the two a bit more, but I like the way it looks now, so I may not.
And this is the original Sweet Hearts, done a while back. It's a box top and sits on my dresser.
We had another wintry blast this week. This winter will never end--more snow is predicted tomorrow! But today felt very spring like when I stepped outside--sunny, the birds were singing, it was breezy and perhaps 40F. Everything was still covered with a deep blanket of snow, but it was melting fast.
The collage below was made by winter in our front-porch flower pot.  It really caught my eye.
Last weekend we stopped in at a local antique and collectible toy show. (Santa's Toy Show, held twice a year in Highland, IN). They had some clowns there, enchanting the children, doing face painting and balloon figures, and collecting money for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.  

One of them gave me this cute balloon Leprechaun. He's been brightening my week this week and is still holding up well.  He's actually a bracelet corsage--I wore him all Saturday.
Between work and physical therapy, I haven't been doing much stitching, so no more finishes for a while, I fear.  I have been knitting a bit.  It's so wonderful to have something to hand to pick up. I find it very meditative and relaxing. Do you?


  1. I definitely find handwork relaxing, no matter what kind. I love your new Sweethearts and that frame will be super! You sound like you are recuperating nicely. Wonderful!

  2. That balloon sculpture is amazing - much better than most that I see!
