Friday, June 20, 2014

Fun, but no embroidery

Well, I have been doing a lot of needlework, but nothing I can show here. I almost have Homewood's Summer Challenge completed. I'm working on the finishing. I'm working on the Hardanger tablecloth, but it's just more of the same over and over.  I heard back from Judith Baker Montano on the EGA challenge already...I'm still digesting her lovely letter, notes and very generous gifts and ideas. And I pulled out the NANI challenge to work on, too.
The reason I'm anxious to get things going is that I've scheduled my second knee surgery for August 5. I'm a bit panicked about it. Knowing I would be I took a bit of a break from work and Hubby and I went shopping!  
 We went up to Lombard to Alien Entertainment. Whoa! Do they have great stuff for the inner nerd in anyone: Buffy, Star Trek, Star Wars, comic book heroes, Lord of the Rings, much more, and, what we went there for, Dr. Who. My loot is above. A tote, a couple of patches, and a pin of the seal or Rassilon.  They had all sorts of videos, movies, tributes, and all of the BBC radio program. Plus red fez hats, t-shirts, and softies, models, and stuff of all descriptions.  It was a very nice break from our usual.  To add a dose of reality, we followed this stop with one at the grocery store.
The night before my doctor appointment, I found this sweet bag in the mail from Lelia Evelyn of the Stitches of Life Blog.  A total surprise out of the blue gift that came at the perfect time.
The project for Homewood fit perfectly into it so I could work on it during the hour long wait at the doctor's office. Here it is all packed and ready to go. It really made my day!
Over the weekend, I ventured into the garden and picked a bunch of baby lettuces. I'd planted seeds last year and got busy and promptly forgot them and found a bunch of plants gone to seed in August. This year I have been a bit more attentive and here's the result.  There's lots more where they came from.  We had a nice salad with fresh corn and burgers for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. A nice post. And looks like beautiful lettuce. There is really nothing like fresh picked. And what cool treasures.
