Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Social Butterfly

 Last week I did more socializing than usual.  First up was a work celebration for the 25 year milestone. It's already been 26 years--there's quite a lag. I got to shake the University President's hand and have my picture taken. This is after, me and Hubby, outside at the buffet.

I got a new dress for the occasions (a wedding came later in the week), in a style not my usual. It has a twirly skirt and I felt rather like I did when I was 6 and got a dress with a twirly skirt.
 This was the certificate in the envelope he's holding. 
 And when I got home, he gave me this lovely bouquet.
 On Friday I met my sister at the International Quilt Festival at the Rosemont. The display seemed huge this year, so many lovely things to see. (And to buy, the market also was quite large, varied, and tempting...more in the next post.)
Here's taste of the show. A sweet quilt by Laura Wasilowski. 

I ended the week with a beautiful wedding.  Two partners who had been together for 57 years were finally able to wed!  All in all, it was a happy, happy week.

1 comment:

  1. You look absolutely lovely in that dress! And you and Hubby took such a lovely photo! A real keeper! Congrats again.
