Monday, January 26, 2015

More crazy quilting

My favorite part of any project is pulling together the materials. It's fun to imagine and think about and plan. So this weekend I went "shopping" in my stash to find supplies for the online crazy quilting class I'm taking.

As I was digging in the stash, I found some crochet trim that will fit all around the block. A start on the finishing! It also helped to push my color choices more to pinks than I had been planning.
So here's the collected stash (weeded down a couple of times already).  Below: Beads, trims, lace, sequins.  I really like the faded blue crochet trim.  I'm not a huge fan of "shabby chic" but this block is seeming to fit that genre. I'm okay with that.
Perle cottons for embroidering the seams.
Silk ribbons for embellishments.
I found this box of tiny shells. They have holes for attachment and I like the pinky-red color.
Below are some of the embellishments laid out (on my bright violet notebook cover).  5mm sequins are at the top. The larger buttons are 1/4" for scale.  The "orange" buttons and larger beads are actually translucent amber--darkened by the notebook color.  I think the tatted motif is too big, but it fits my new "theme" nicely.  Along the bottom are some odd beads--leaves, flowers, butterflies.  The thing above the lace on the right is an earring with no partner. I thought I could take the Chinese character off and use it as a charm. 
This class was the focus of my weekend. I pieced the block, stash dove, and figured out how to use Blogger on the iPad. It won't let me spell check, so for me, I prefer the "real" computer.

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