Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Fun!

Yes, in spite of the snow, we've gotten some fun in.  Before the white stuff began coming down, we visited the Tall Grass Gallery in Park Forest to view the current exhibit: Journeys, Passages, Retreats. I've always liked collage and this show was very interesting and inspiring. I'm still thinking about some of the pieces. 
The show is on through this month and worth a visit.  The gallery is free, although they will accept donations. 

I've been working on my crazy quilting project and doing wintry cooking (soup stock, blueberry muffins). I'm enjoying the class by Kathy Shaw. Here's my piece so far.
The green fabric is new, the two blues were dresses I wore until they were in shreds--I got them when I got my knee replaced in 1997, and the blotchy fabric was a protective cloth I used under some printing and painting I did a few years ago.  So far all of the perle cottons and ribbons are from my stash, although I did buy some tiny sequins. I'll add them at the end.

We only got about a foot of snow but it was very heavy and walking today was icy. Hubby shoveled and shoveled (and now he's sitting with the hot pad). Many places closed yesterday, but not my office. Today's Hubby's birthday, so it's time to celebrate.

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