Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Kind of appropriate given spring and all, but I've been stitching bunnies. Dozens of bunnies (so far just two, but more are in the works).  The bunnies will be decorations for my niece's baby shower coming up in a few weeks.

That's pretty much all the stitching I've done lately. 
I did, however, spend a wonderful day at the International Quilt Festival with my sister. This is the sight that greeted you at the entry--glorious RED quilts.
They were in celebration of the show's 40th anniversary.
I took a few photos of the quilts that inspired me.
It was inspiration overload.
This is us at the show--they have a photo booth setup and a person on hand to take photos...pretty cool!
This is a project I did in a miniclass by Belinda Spiwak.  The class was on using gelli plates for monoprinting.  I made two journal covers and a page of fun printing to cut up for pages for the journals.
Here it is again, those red quilts.


  1. I love quilt shows, so much imagination and variety. I'm glad you had a good day.

  2. Wow, those red quilts! They look pretty impressive even in a photo so must have been magnificent close up. The bunnies are adorable!
