Thursday, April 2, 2015

Post 987

This is my nine hundred and eighty seventh post.  That's the last number in the Fibonacci series before 1,000. The next number in the series is 1,597--a long way off.  So, I've decided to hold a giveaway to celebrate. 

You can learn more about the Fibonacci series here. You can learn more about the golden ratio, golden rectangle, and other geeky fun things here and here.

I know that a few readers aren't embroiderers, so I have two giveaway items--one you can enjoy and one you can make. 

The first is a patchwork chicken pincushion. I didn't make it, but thought it was really cute and bought it at a quilt show.
 The second is a pattern and partial kit. I bought this project originally because my mom had stitched it and I wanted to make one, too. I've since inherited mom's.

The project is a dimensional (stumpwork) acorn with a beaded cap and beaded edge designed by Liz Turner Diehl. Mom made hers as a door hanger with a tassel.
I just purchased the instructions and then gathered my own materials.Linen fabric, some over dyed threads and three tubes of beads in two sizes (11 and 14). 
If you're interested in winning either item, please leave a comment on this post. I will ship anywhere. Please make sure you include a way for me to get in touch with you (e-mail, your blog link, etc.) Please comment by tax day April 15 and will choose winners randomly on April 16. 

Good Luck.


  1. Congratulations on your 987! I'm pretty high up there when it comes to geeky stuff so I appreciate the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio (particularly as it applies to art and architecture).

    Great giveaway items, the chicken is adorable and the acorn would be fun to work up. Thank you for the chance to win! :)


  2. I, too, offer congratulations on reaching this milestone. I was just looking at the Fibonacci numbers the other day. I love that stumpwork acorn!

    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Heather M.
    heather at inlovewiththreads dot com

  3. Congratulations on your 987 posts. I love both prizes. My favorite is the acorn. It was a difficult choice since I quilt and do hand embroidery. Happy Easter to you.

  4. Great gifts. The chicken is adorable; I think I picked up a similar pattern a few years ago. Of course, nothing has hatched yet.

    I really like the acorn kit. It's beautiful. I enjoy stumpwork and working with beads. It would be a very welcome prize.

    By the way, if you are planning to celebrate all of the Fibonacci numbers, it sounds a bit ambitious.

  5. They are both adorable but I would love to work that acorn!
    ahall2410 'at' aol 'dot' com
