Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ongoing Projects

Not much to show really. I've been working diligently on the Plumeria Scissors Fob. I've finished the stitching and most of the back stitching but it really doesn't look that much different from the last photo I took.

I'm thinking about finishing now. The kit had was missing the finishing instructions, but there's a picture and I can do that. The beads in the kit are simple wooden beads and don't match the shapes and sizes in the photo so while we were at Bluestem this weekend, I picked up three 1$ bead bags with some options to try when finishing.

You finish the embroidery as a little pillow and then attach a long twisted cord with a long scissors loop, a bead, it wraps around the pillow, another bead, and then ends in tassels. (Photo of the kit cover here.) It's getting there but those teeny stitches make it seem soooo slllloooowww.

On Monday I received some lovely lipstick red yarn from Kpixie for more "Cooper's Flock" birdies. (see the link in the sidebar or here). I rolled the skein into a ball last night. It's a very soft and lovely cotton yarn.

I also worked a little bit here and there last weekend on the crewel piece I pulled from my stash. I spent more time organizing than stitching. The baggie with the project contained a mass of wool. At one point I'd pulled it out and found the color ranges needed and snipped and taped samples onto the instructions. But I found the colors are so close and so jumbled, that I need to get them separated. I was also hindered because there were no markings or bands on the wool, there were skeins and cut strands both, and it was just a bird's nest!

I pulled out some baggies and separated the yarns and put each in its own labeled baggie. I found lots of odd intermediate shades of thread in small amounts that I think were the cause of my difficulties. They got their own baggie. Now I can proceed.

I also did similar type things with my journal project. I cut out images I want to use and sorted some of them. I purchased some cheap acrylic paints (cheap was recommended for this project) and some stencil paints at Jo-Ann's sale last weekend. (love those coupons!). And I just tried to gather things together. This project is quickly turning into a PIG (project in grocery bag). I didn't actually do anything in the journal itself.

1 comment:

  1. Your fob is going to be gorgeous. Pink and green are wonderful together. You have been a bus gal. So glad you got to stop at Blue Stem. I love that shop, Sherill is the sweetest!
