Thursday, May 20, 2010

Out and about the neighborhood

Mostly around our house, really. This peony is from one of several very old bushes that hubby rescued from a home that was being torn down. They took a long time to settle in and begin to bloom and this year is the best by far. (it's been at least 15 years since we transplanted them)These roses are between our house and our next-door neighbor's (that's his house pictured here). This year the irises in our backyard really popped!This is more than we've ever had.On my walk I pass this "plug" in the sidewalk. I love the microcosm it's developed.This is the plant I played with last winter in Photoshop here and here.If you look closely in the pot above, you will see some volunteer dill coming back.This is thyme and sage with oregano taking over on the ground in the background. The rosemary didn't make it.And, last, my favorite columbine, growing behind my herb pot.

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