Friday, June 4, 2010

Long weekend projects

The first thing I did last weekend (once I found the missing cut fabric squares, mentioned here) was begin the kits for the crewel chatelaine project I'm teaching in July. This represents between 8 and 10 hours of work. I didn't stop for much all day. The needles are snuggled into felt pieces, the design fabric cut, finishing fabrics cut, and all of the Appleton crewel wools measured out and allocated. I still have to print the design onto the fabric (the part I'm most anxious about turning out right) and finalize and print the instructions.On Sunday I worked on the edging for this pillowcase--it came to me with the embroidery complete. I'm working on the second of the pair.Early Monday morning I completed step two of the altar cloth--adding a slightly less raised line down the center of each arm. It's been passed back to the church.On Sunday and Monday I worked on this scissors case. The Watercolors are what makes it work--it's pretty mindless. It's all lined and has scissors tucked inside. And quickly Monday night I finished up some bookmarks for the EGA's literacy outreach and Hammond Reads (more here).


  1. My goodness, you had a very busy weekend. The scissor case is very beautiful and I wish I could touch and see the stitches. The ovrdye really does make it interesting.

  2. The Watercolours really do bring a piece to life, don't they - you can produce all sorts of embellished effects with pretty simple stitches!
