Here's Dolly having a zen moment at the very nice
Gasthaus Motel in Monroe, Wisconsin, on our too-short trip last week. I had fun sitting at my brother's kitchen table, in his comfy chair, on his couch, in our motel, in our car. Sitting is where I'm at right now. (Hubby sweetly planned, shopped, packed, loaded the car, unloaded the car, loaded the car, etc.)

And here she is, blinded by the flash, as she visits with my brother and sister-in-law. Below she's eyeing the chocolate tart my brother made for his youngest's 21st birthday. Yowza! (The tart was every bit as yummy as it looks--my brother is an awesome cook.)

Birthday boy's in blue, watching his brother make lunch. It was sunny and bright, lovely weather.

My sister came up for the day. She's diligently sewing labels on completed quilts. While visiting N and I wound yarn into balls (some mine, some hers). She knitted away on a sweater, that's probably done by now. I did some gauge swatches on borrowed needles (I didn't have the size the pattern called for) but my gauge was too large and I had smaller needles at home, so I pulled out some embroidery. We were busy!

Here's the birthday boy, again, trying to escape the camera. Hah! got-ya!

And I have a finish. Or thought I did. Looking at these pix, I think I need to add a row of lace at the bottom edge. This is a Pin Cushion Doll and Strawberry Emery from Makeit by Sewing Chest Designs. I've had the pattern and half doll and emery kit for ages. I tried to sell it several times this summer and no one grabbed it. Then, at one of the sales where I was supposed to be selling, I bought a bunch of perle 12 and at home I came across some linen and found a verse I liked better than the one in the original design. I decided to stitch it myself.

Here's the verse on the skirt before assembly. I had it all done and was just finishing when the doll popped out and I had to undo quite a bit of the skirt and then redo it, my way this time. Still and all, it didn't take too long to assemble.