I didn't get to pick up a needle yesterday until late in the evening so it was good I'd done a lot Saturday.
Yesterday we had about 6-8" of snow to get shoveled, the usual weekend chores, plus I fulled two hats I'd knitted and plan to give for Christmas. The hats take forever to dry and I have six more to do (with one still on the knitting needles). I'd forgotten the toll felting takes on my hands (I prefer to do it by hand). Today my hands and arms are pretty sore.
In Saturday's mail I got back my Embroiderer's Guild of America Group Correspondence Course piece, Crewel Confidence by Judy Jeroy. I am over the moon with her evaluation! It is much better than my last one (Crewel Confidence). I grinned for hours. Here's the picture:
I tweeked a lot, from the colors to some of the stitches and placements. but didn't do anything major to the design. It was great fun and that must have shown in my stitching. Judy's ending comment was "It's been a pleasure to evaluate this piece; please continue with your study of crewel." Woo-hoo!
I think my next step will be the Crewel Individual Correspondence Course. I always intended to do it when Mary Dick-Digges was the leader, and never got to it. I wasn't ready then but perhaps I am now.
Trixietaxi: check out the hyperbolic crochet pages and the crochet reef and you'll be hooked, too. I did my little bits in just a few hours and had a blast. I trolled the sale bin at my lys for the fuzzy yarns I used on the edges. The base yarn is Noro. There are some great new crochet designs out there.