This is Knit Picks Generations Purse Pattern (a free pattern). It's a little large for the sachet I'd planned. I'm debating about lining it and still need to find ribbons for the top closure. But it's knit, washed, blocked and stitched together.
I'd planned to make several and have the yarn but I don't think the women I give gifts to would use it as a purse. It would be a good wedding purse, but there aren't any of those in the offing (that I'm aware of). So I need to make smaller sachets or something else.
Today is Camp Quality day--I'm off work to go to camp and then to just have the day off. (We teach in the morning.)
Small Works in Wool turned me on to the Pixmaven website. It develops properly high-falutin' art critiques for when you need them. I love it. You put in a five digit number and your statement comes out, ready for you to use when you need to sound pompous and obscure.
My zip code (this fits me well, I often begin with Ummms). "Umm... the internal dynamic of the fracture endangers the devious simplicity of the substructure of critical thinking."
My work website--strangely appropriate as we have a Middle Eastern museum here with an incredible collection (The Oriental Institute). "Umm... the internal dynamic of the Egyptian motifs endangers the devious simplicity of the larger carcass."
A friend's zip code: "With regard to the issue of content, the disjunctive perturbation of the purity of line endangers the devious simplicity of the inherent overspecificity."
And, last, my birthday without zeros: "It's difficult to enter into this work because of how the sublime beauty of the sexual signifier threatens to penetrate the distinctive formal juxtapositions." Say, what?
Do you think they have one of these obscure phrase generators that government officials use when writing press releases?
Have a good weekend.