As usual, visiting Camp Quality on Friday morning to teach was great fun. A huge bonus for me was that the project was popular. That always makes me very happy. Here we are at the end of our class.

Here's the table before everyone arrived. We let campers choose their own design, thread pack and box. We had models available for inspiration.

We compete with helicopter rides, card and boards games, swimming, and other crafts, so we never know how many children will join us to stitch. Our sign in sheet had over a dozen campers and companions who did the project. Some come to stitch and don't stay long, some come back later, and some come to stay and stitch. This year's project was a hit with male campers, too, and we had several who stitched designs, including a really creative companion.

We ended up with a good crew from Needle Artisans--we had seven teachers and we were all busy. The smiles tell it all....