I've completed a couple of odds and ends lately. My sister gave me this cute design with preprinted fabric. I decided since I'm on a wool kick to stitch it in wool. Mostly Medici and some other odd things I had on hand, silk'n'wool among them.
Cute charms from Designer's Desk.

I saw this design in a recent issue of Stitch and liked it so I got out wool to make up two. One's done, the other cut out and ready to go.
This doesn't look like anything and I got some amazing blank stares when I tried to explain it to people in the doctor's office recently where I was knitting. It's a swatch for a project I'm planning to knit. The swatch is done, washed and dried like like I expect the finished item to be, and carefully counted and measured. Last night I planned the pattern. I'm adaping a pattern to a different idea. Should be interesting. It's something I've never done.