Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
red suit

Each week I do water aerobics at the YMCA. So, I'm not wearing this on a public beach, but in a small class amongst friendly people. Hmmmm, well, let me tell you walking last night from the locker room to the pool ladder was one of the longest walks of my life! Everyone noticed. (I guess in a class of deep blue suits, black suits, subdued floral patterns, red would stick out!)
Used to be, as a kid, I lived in a swimsuit in summer. Even in high school, when I was "chubby" it wasn't a cause for much anxiety. Since then I've always had a suit, in a suitable dark color and style, and felt okay about it. Not great, mind you--I don't think there are many women who are happy when it comes to trying on swimsuits and seeing themselves in one in all those mirrors. But okay.
I skipped that part. I ordered online! I had purchased this style suit before in suitable navy and slimming black and liked it a lot (Land's End). But, sadly, they no longer are making women's petite sizes in this style, so my only choice to replace my current suit (which is about to disintegrate) was go find another style/brand I liked or get red.
I never thought the color would make such a difference!
I don't really have a point to this, just sharing my meandering thoughts on my new red swimsuit (And I bought TWO!!---suits, even chlorine resistant ones, don't last long.)
the 3/50 project and recipe

While we were in Indi, we visited a really great bead shop: Beads Amoré. I found some goodies (I hope to get a picture soon) and in my bag was a little notice for the 3/50 project aimed at saving brick and mortar stores. We strive to avoid box stores, buy local, and shop at local small businesses. I think their project is worthwhile and interesting. You can see their statistics about employment and how much money stays in a community on their webpage. The most striking one--the number of people it takes to start the trend = one--just me (or you!).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
no stitching content

We had a bit of a surprise to learn the ring road around Indi was closed at the north end. This is (was) the only way we knew around town! We soon learned other ways and once we were out of Friday night rush hour traffic, we were fine.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
crewel again
I learned that a whole lot of what is advertised as crewel isn't (like 75% not in some places on-line!). It's embroidery with floss. I have no idea why they don't just call it that. Crewel is done with crewel wool. If it's not done with crewel wool, at least in my definition, it's embroidery or surface embroidery or whatever, just not crewel. [rant over.]
So I decided to develop my own small project. I'm pretty sure I know what it will be (at this point it could change but for now I'm rather pleased with the idea I have) and I have adapted a design from one of my books to use, traced it to size, and am ready to go. As I was doing this I was also calculating fabric requirements, finishing supplies, and other materials to come up with a kit cost.
I won't be teaching until some time 2010, but I need a model by December! Yikes! (I won't show the whole project until it's made public in January, but I hope to share bits here as I work.)
So I got out my crewel case. I found tracing paper, fabrics, a couple of small books, two Judy Jeroy EGA group correspondence course books, and a pile of Appleton Crewel Wool Threads.
So I spent a couple of evenings this week playing with threads! I sorted through them and cataloged what I have on some lovely inventory pages by Needle Artworks, Inc. It may look like a lot of thread but I have just a fraction of the colors Appleton offers. It's still in a jumble in the case but at least now I know what's there.
My thread cards for Appleton came in handy to label threads missing their tags. This was a great investment. Besides I just love to open the box and see all the colors.
And, in the process, I found another ufo. These were sample designs from one of the Judy Jeroy courses, to use to practice stitches. The reason this was set aside was that I wasn't thinking when I traced the designs. I should have planned better and spaced them out more so that I could use them for something when they were done. I'm not sure if I'll finish this one or not. Usually if I take the time to do practice pieces (I tend to just skip over that part and move on to the "real" piece), I make them up into something (nametag, ornament, boxtop).
I wonder if I could use the rest of the back of the fabric for something else--linen twill is expensive and I hate to waste a piece. I'll have to look at it this weekend and see.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Slow progress

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Indiana State Day Success!

As part of the process, our chapter produced a really nice cookbook. I didn't think it was a great idea at first, but it seems to be turning out to be very good. Chapter members baked goodies from the book for breakfast and dessert and a lot of cookbooks sold based on the taste-testing done at the event. (Above, selling cookbooks.)

Each stitcher got a large decorated bag with the supplies to make both the box top (what we worked on Saturday) and the amulet bag. The perle cotton balls were held in a charming card and ribbon holder so they wouldn't roll away and escape. There were M&Ms for energy, a cool round folded orts "box," and booklets, threads and loads of other fun goodies. I'm on the left with the other class angels who went around to try and help stitchers who got stuck with some aspect of the project. All of us had stitched the amulet bag and box top (I think we're all wearing our amulets--each one is different). It also meant we got to go around and visit all our friends. I was very happy to see a good friend that I'd been missing lately.
If you had the chance and missed it, you missed a really good one. (Only about half of our chapter members participated--just think what we could have done if everyone had joined in!)
Okay, then, to top it all off, instead of going home I drove a bit and had dinner with more stitching friends! I met a group from Wisconsin, let by Terry, for a nice dinner and a bit of show-n-tell. They'd come down to Geneva/St.Charles shop and had visited needlework, knitting, bead and gift shops during the day on Saturday. It was nice to meet everyone, some I'd met before and some new friends. (my jaw ached on the way home--I talked waaayyyy too much and smiled an awful lot, too!)
Sunday we drove back up that way, this time with hubby, to do some shopping of our own and to visit my sister. It was a really fun weekend and I feel full up with happiness.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Now it's much larger and each year just as glorious. These pictures do not do it justice. Each leaf has a multitude of colors and shade from lime to scarlet.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Party Time!

I haven't been doing much stitching (a lot of ripping this weekend but little progress--I'm working on that black canvas fan design). But I have had some fun.
Last night at the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild we celebrated the group's 30th anniversary and honored our founder. The guild grew out of Hardanger classes held at the Scandinavian Boutique in Homewood. Aina was the owner of the boutique and the teacher of many of us. (The photo above is Aina and her daughter, Anna Marie; below is Linda acting as hostess--cake and punch!)

Aina took each class to her home and, let me tell you, she had Martha Stewart whupped in the linens department. This was probably 1980. She had large closets with padded rods and linens wrapped around them and tied with ribbons. (my jaw dropped!) She spent the evening sharing those incredible embroideries with us, unrolling them carefully one at a time and telling it's story. I just realized that this was when I first realized each of these textiles has a story.
I grew up with hand embroidered doilies and dresser scarves, handmade quilts, hand-knit sweaters, and crocheted table cloths and bedspreads. My grandmothers and mother all created with needle and thread. By the time I took my first class, I had done most of these things myself. But the classes at the Boutique sparked my first true awareness of these things. Now I sat up and noticed what my mother was doing and what my grandmothers had done. I realized how important it is and dove in head first. I haven't come up yet!
It was nice to see her again (she's moved out of town) and to remember our good times. I think she was pleased that we asked her to join our party. Several founding members are still active in the group--I joined in maybe year three--and several others came by to visit. Good friends, good times...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Antique find and lovely butterflies

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009
It's back and working!

I wrote previously about getting it out last November to discover it would only sew backwards and about how my first attempt at repair early last year was a no-go. They said it was too expensive to make what would likely be an unreliable fix. So I did some new machine shopping, and, boy, are they tempting! But, still, I love my machine so I gave repair another go and NISC had no problems with it. They weren't cheap, but I'm happy to have my machine up and running.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Diana Gabaldon Book Signing

First, I have to say that Diana has fortitude. This was her second talk of the day and you wouldn't have known it. Over 200 people attended, most with more than one book to sign, and she happily signed them all and smiled for pictures. I am in awe.
She's signing my book above (I was #155). I didn't bring my camera but a lovely gentleman who was in line in front of me, John Bychowski, kindly offered to take my photo with Diana. Both pictures in today's post were sent to me by John. Thanks, John, I really appreciate it!
The evening began with Scottish dancing. A live piper provided the music as we were guided through some of the traditions and styles of this type of dance. Originally done all by men, now it's 98% women (however, the world champion is male). It was a fun beginning to the evening.
Then Anderson's Bookshop introduced Diana. She immediately had the audience enthralled. She speaks quickly, with an almost raspy voice (although that could be the endless book tour she's on). She talks like she writes, with digressions, interludes and lots of detail.
Diana spoke about how she came to write her first novel, Outlander, and to get it published. I'd read some of the story at some point over the years, but she provided some more detail (those interludes and digressions I'm so fond of).
More than a feast for my ears, though, it was a feast for my eyes--textiles! Diana was swathed in layers of gorgeous cloth. I'm not sure if it was that she was freezing (she's from the southwest desert) or if it was fashion, but she really pulled off a very together gypsy look. The bottom layer was black, I saw a small, narrow black ruffle peeping out at the bottom. Then there were shawls and wraps in rich, glorious colors and touch-me textures (iridescent silk, metallic fabrics, overdyed panne velvet, layered with other silks, velvets, wide ribbons and a bit of black lace). I was mesmerized.
After her talk, she read a short (rather racy) excerpt from the new book, selected so it didn't contain any spoilers. A moment between Jamie and Claire. sigh...
She ended by asking for questions from the audience. Most of the questions were interesting. A couple cited previous talks they'd been to and wanted her to repeat what she said then. A teensy bit of frustration seemed to seep through there--I'm not sure if it was because she'd worked to come up with something new to say to the group (she's had similar events sponsored by this bookshop when previous books were published) or if she didn't remember all that much about what she'd said ten years ago. But she answered them all thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Anderson's Bookshop really has their act together with book signings. They had a microphone that was passed around to make it easy for everyone to hear the questions. They also have the process of doing a huge book signing efficiently and smoothly down to a science (they should, they have at least one most nights!). They had large piles of all of Diana's books there, ready to be purchased. They had post-its to premark the proper page with your choice of inscription. And plenty of staff on hand to help, guide or answer questions.
Still, there was a long period (over an hour for me) where we waited for our number group to be called. I really kick myself that I didn't bring my knitting. I made some notes for a new project, browsed through the new book, reading random excerpts, listened to the conversations around me. It was rather peaceful and relaxing, but it would have been better with knitting.
It was a lovely evening that I'll remember for a long time.

new car

My dealership is one of those shut down by GM, so I'm still quite annoyed with them. Every time I get a letter exhorting me to do this or that at my dealership, I think, yeah, and what do I do after next month? (they're closing October 31st). We bought the car knowing this, however, and my husband's a good mechanic with long ties to many area GM dealers, so we'll be fine. But I'm still crabby about it (maybe it's the season, but I've been crabby about a lot of things lately).
I'm happy, though, that we're still pleased with the car and still feeling that new car excitement. It was great on vacation and the good mileage was very nice (especially now that the vacation bills are rolling in!). My older car is feeling the competition, too--it's mileage has been better than usual recently (or that could just be the work my hubby just did on it, but I'm not so sure).