I finished it! It's far from perfect but I'm happy and I learned a lot.This weekend I dug into my Japanese Embroidery case and snapped a shot of progress on my piece.I was rather crestfallen when I saw it. It doesn't look like I've done anything but I have, really. Mostly I'm looking at this focusing on tiny details, not the overall. I saw a photo of this design in progress online recently and realized I need to get some more colorful flower petals done--it'll look like more then.
I also worked hard on the camellia this weekend. I have only five or nue leaves left to stitch and the last flower and stem. It now seems finishable!
I dug in a ufo bag and spent Sunday flitting from project to project, taking a few stitches, evaluating whether I'd finish them or not and, if so, what would I do with them and, if not, what would I do with them. We're having a "garage sale" at one of my guilds in June and I'm collecting.