On Saturday we continued our festivities at the annual Ginza Festival at the Midwest Buddhist Temple in Chicago. If you're around the first week in August, it's always a fun day.
We got there in time for the first of several Taiko performances. I love this Japanese drumming. The stage also features demonstrations from local martial arts classes--we saw Kendo and Aikido Saturday and a second Taiko performance. Below is the Temple's youth group.
Hubby bought me a lovely birthday present.
A celadon-glazed rice bowl.
I stuffed myself with sushi and udon, while enjoying the delicious smell of the chicken teriyaki they are famous for.
The Ginza in Tokyo is a shopping area. Each year the temple brings traditional artisans from Japan to sell their very special wares. In addition there are a number of local vendors selling interesting things. Inside there are displays of bonsai, origami, ikebana and swords. 

I purchased this traditional tenugui from one of the craftsmen from Japan. Above is the wrapping and an article about the man's grandfather who started the business; below is the towel.
We spent a lot time just enjoying the gorgeous, perfect weather and people watching. We headed home replete and happy.