It was unseasonably warm here last weekend--perfect for the last-of-the-season car shows. There were two. (there is needlework content at the bottom)

I always find neat things to look at. This hood ornament is from a "doctor's sedan" from the 30s. It had gorgeous woven trim on the insides of the doors and the sweetest little pom-pom tassels on the window shades. Sadly my photo was a bust--the camera focused on the window and not what was just beyond it. The tassel had a typical wooden-frame covered with wrapped and stitched cording, but instead of a long tassel, it ended in a fuzzy silk pom-pom.

This is hubby and a friend, chatting.

The show was only a couple of miles from home and it was a nice size for me--maybe 50 cars. They were coming and going all day so it was hard to count.

I love the texture of the finish on that doctor's sedan (a type of car--largish and enclosed with fold up seats to make it convenient for a doctor to use). It is a "survivor"--it's original, never restored, just maintained.

The second show was less to my taste. I tried to get an overview photo but I'm not tall enough to show the scope of the place. They had over 1,100 cars to be judged and that's not to mention the "cars for sale" area or the swap meet area. It was HUGE. It's held every year at Morris, IL, an hours drive. The parking lot is nearby but far enough we waited and took the shuttle bus. It was also very hot (80s) and sunny and, what bothered me most, dusty from constant traffic on gravel roads. It made my head ache. We didn't stay long. We ended up stopping to visit friends who live nearby, which was a nice finish to the outing.

The car shows weren't all day and I got some things completed. I also got some "at home" time to catch up with laundry and chores a bit after being gone too much lately. It feels good.
Back when I felted the little "nuts" for the acorn necklaces, I also felted this big nut (it's about an inch-and-a-half to two inches long). I had a plan but then I couldn't find the bright blue wool remnant I knew was right there. I found it in my cleaning Saturday morning, stopped cleaning and sat down and made the detached buttonhole cap. It was nice but a bit dull, so Sunday morning I added the overlay in finer wool (a remnant from the shrug my s-i-l made me for my birthday). Also detached buttonhole. I have no idea what it is. An ornament, I guess.
I realized I may not get to my Homewood Guild meeting in November due to a trip coming up. Each year we put on a display at the Irwin Center in Homewood and each member is obligated to contribute. I brought my pieces early to turn in so I wouldn't forget. I needed three ornaments. The two below were nearly done so I got them finished.

I finished sewing the backing onto the ornament below just about ten minutes before leaving for the meeting.